
POST TIME: 2017-07-25 17:25

The top favorite types of coffee include espresso, cappuccino, Americano, cafe latte and cafe mocha.
Espresso is loved by many coffee connoisseurs (行家) and is known as "the essence of the coffee drinking world". Espresso is made by forcing very hot water under high pressure through finely ground (细磨的) coffee. Crema, a heavy red-brown foam layer, defines well-crafted espresso. It taste strong and bitter for those who are new to the coffee world. But a sip of it will leave a faint fragrance lingering on the palate(味觉).(See photo)
Americano is an espresso shot that is diluted to taste with hot water. It's said the name was given to insult Americans whom the Europeans believed were not up to drinking straight espressos. Americano is recommended to new coffee enthusiasts who may find the espresso taste is too strong. In China, many coffee shops add cream and sugar to Americano to suit the taste of regular customers.
Cappuccino and latte are the favorites among girls, both consisting of espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. All this makes the coffee taste more diluted and weaker. Cappuccino has a thicker layer of frothed milk than latte. When enjoying a quality cup of Cappuccino, with rich aroma and a foam mustache, you are actually enjoying a moment of innocence and romance.(See photo)
Cafe mocha is a popular after-dinner coffee in the West. It is one part espresso with 1 part chocolate syrup and 2 or 3 parts of frothed milk. Whipped cream (鲜奶油) on top is an option. For a friend who rarely drinks coffee but likes chocolate, mocha is the best choice.
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